Day 1, 365 Project


When I ventured outside today to begin my 365 project, I wasn’t planning on photographing my dog.  It’s impossible to get him to sit still.  I’m not quite sure what he thinks the camera is but I’m assuming it’s somewhere between a toy that I might throw for him to chase (never!!), or something quite tasty that needs to be licked if I squat down low to his level.  So as I sat on the bench contemplating my surroundings and looking for some inspiration, he was doing the same.  I took my opportunity as it will probably never come again and took this photo of him, which I love.

Oh and yes I’m a few days behind in posting my 365 project, it’s taken me 4 days to work out how to set up this blog!! It’s still a work in progress, so next time you check back it will probably look a little different.  (I’m sure I’ll miss a few days during the year too, when life gets in the way!)